Its been a busy day in TTY HQ today..
TTY003 is getting very ready to hit the streets - Julio Bashmore' s anthem that is Footsteppin as the flip to Chazm - another ice-cold monster is available to pre-order here.

Also the ball has started rolling on our Super Ltd Edition Ten Thousand Yen Tee's...
Only 30 made by the fine hand of: ambitionispitiful

And if that wasn't enough to keep the people of the world happy, the good folks over at FACT magazine have started a competition to win a copy of Julio's Test Press for the upcoming release..ultra rare - only a handful in existance and you could get one..
Click ont image for the jump. But be quick innit!

And if you're in Dubai tomoro night - 30th Sept 2010 then come down and shake your rump to the man that is JDilla in a Freshly Laced Dilla Special. Its gonna be sick..